King David Lodge No 18
King David Lodge No. 18 was set apart by a Warrant from the Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge F. & A.A.Y.M. on May 12, 1867. The Principal Officers of the Lodge were Augustus Moseley, Worshipful Master; James H. Edwards, Senior Warden; and Jordan Gordon, Junior Warden. At the time, another black grand lodge was operating in the state of Maryland under the title of The First Colored Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M…….

A Message From
Our Worshipful Master
Worshipful Master’s Prayer
Great Architect of the Universe, It is with humility that I come before you on behalf of the men and families of King David Lodge #18. I thank you for the covering that you have provided us this past year. I pray for continued peace for the families that experienced...
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